Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Classification of cams

Classification of cams
- They are classified according to:

1. Shape

2. Follower movement

3. Manner of constraint of follower.

According to shape: -

  1. Wedge and flat cams: - A wedge cam has a wedge in general which has translational motion .The follower can either translate or oscillate. A spring is used to maintain contact between the cam and follower. Instead of wedge a flat plate with a groove is also used.

  1. Radial or Disc cam: - A cam in which the follower moves radially from the center of rotation of the cam is known as radial or disc cam. It is used due to simplicity and compactness.

  1. Spiral cam: - A spiral cam is a face cam in which a groove is cut in form of spiral. The spiral grooves consist of teeth, which mesh with a pin gear follower. The velocity of the follower is proportional to the radial distance of groove from axis of cam.

  1. Cylindrical cam: - In this cam a cylinder, which has a circumferential contour, cut in the surface rotate about it’s axis. These cams are also known as barrel or drum cams.

  1. Conjugate cam: - A conjugate cam is a double disc cam, two discs being keyed together and are in constant touch with two rollers of the follower.

  1. Globoidal cam: - A Globoidal cam can have two types of surfaces, convex or concave. A circumferential contour is cut on the surface of the rotation of cam to impart motion to the follower that has an oscillatory motion.

7. Spherical cam:- In this the follower oscillates about an axis perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the cam.

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