Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Tank,Size,Capacity & Distance between supply centers

Tank: To design the tank following points are to be considered.

Size: It is very difficult to have all advantages in one size. If the size is large tank will become bulky when loaded and if the size is small capacity of tank reduces. So we have to find optimum size of the tank, while selecting size following points should be considered.

  • · Capacity or power of truck
  • · Required material in one trip
  • · Cost of transport

Capacity: Capacity of tank depends on type of work or rate of supply, in most of the situations the rate of supply changes with conditions. We take average rate of supply for deciding capacity.

Distance between supply centers: This is considered for the amount of insulation and amount of insulation needed and amount of fuel (Low Density Oil) used per km, by calculating L.D.O/km we can decide the capacity of L.D.O tank.

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